The Sower - Spring 2020 - page 11

27 Sept – 3 Oct
New Zealand:
pray that we will make great
strides in our mission to
make a Bible accessible to
everyone and to encourage
interaction with the Bible.
May the Word be available
in formats that engage all
people of all ages.
Papua New Guinea:
for the revision of the Tok
Pisin Bible and that it will
meet the need of users who
have requested it. Pray that
we will be able to provide
affordable Bibles to those
who are unable to afford it –
economic difficulties on these
islands are widespread.
South Pacific:
Pray that
we will be able to provide
affordable Bibles to those in
the developing island nations
who are unable to afford it.
Pray that Bible engagement
and, subsequently, faith will
grow in the region.
4-10 Oct
Pray for the trans­
lation work currently being
undertaken, particularly in the
Pitjantjatjara and Nyoongar
languages. Also, pray for our
work to engage young people
with the Bible.
East Timor:
Pray that the
Bible needs of Christians
in this country will be met,
despite the fact that they do
not have a local Bible Society
as yet.
Praise God for
the thanksgiving service held
to commemorate the 66th
anniversary of the Indonesian
Bible Society in February this
year. Pray for the implemen-
tation of literacy programmes
in East Sumba in 2020. Also,
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